
Choose your Channels like Gwyneth

Gwyneth Paltrow. Academy Award-winning actor, singer, writer.  Star of Seven, Sliding Doors, Shakespeare in Love, Emma, Great Expectations, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 and Glee.  Mother. The face of Estée Lauder. Ten hit singles. Twelve albums. Three published books. RNIB. The Royal National Institute for Blind People. The UK charity for everyone affected by […]

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Instagram launch “stories”

This week, Instagram has rolled out an upgrade and caught many users by surprise.  Especially those familiar with Snapchat.   Instagram stories is the name for the new feature designed to encourage more sharing.  You can take still shots or moving images – with sound –  which are shown together in a slideshow format.  Each image […]

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Instagram: 10 tips

Instagram – the photo, video and image sharing site – is one of the world’s fastest-growing social media properties.  With 400 million active users a month sharing 560 million images a week and “liking” an incredible 3.5 billion a day, it’s a great medium in which to get your business message across.  But how?  And where to start? […]

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